My Dream is to Follow the Birds with my camera and pen

Watch me fly, watch me learn and watch me travel...

Following a Dream

Some day, some time, during my childhood, I looked into the sky and saw a bird flying free and wished to be soaring beside it. I dreamed about escaping a childhood filled with hate and abuse into a world of peace. The freedom of birds soaring with the clouds, the tips of their wings glinting in the strands of sunlight and the vastness of their world captured my childish imagination and has only grown over the many years. Today I shoot any bird that happens across my path with a Nikon camera and a lens that doesn't get quite close enough. My dream is to load my dog and cameras into a small travel trailer and follow the birds as they migrate South and North.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Turtle Hunters at Manito Park

After spending too many late nights at the computer and working on school work, I needed to decompress - too many days without shooting - and so went looking for osprey at Manito Park. 

I saw an osprey, two or three times.  One time it dove five feet from the spot that I'd just been standing in, but it wasn't an osprey day.  

And so I took full advantage of what the park handed me to shoot.  Brand new baby ducklings, turtles, great blue heron and the turtle hunters.  Of course there was much more but I had to narrow my 762 shots in an hour down to one semi-condensed story.

The heron caught fish and the kids caught turtles.  And the ducklings caught a feather.  I left the park feeling quite excited by my heron shots, which is why there are so many in this post.

Aside from the photo ops at Manito Park, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and the people who were milling about.  This is a rich jewel for Spokane, WA.

Great Blue Heron at Manito Park

Scoping out the dinner menu

Here comes the turtle hunters

The bread is for the turtles

She apologized for spooking the Heron.  (Unfortunately I was vertical at the time but still caught the eye.)

There's a turtle in there somewhere.

She catches the first turtle of the day.

Unhappy turtle - he's getting ready to race the turtles that have not yet been captured.

Meanwhile, the heron is still hunting.

Baby mallards - definite ahh factor.  They don't know about turtles yet but one is about to taste that feather.

These two young ones are looking at their first turtle in the pond at Manito Park.

This is my last blog post for Photo Media.  It has been fun!

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