My Dream is to Follow the Birds with my camera and pen

Watch me fly, watch me learn and watch me travel...

Following a Dream

Some day, some time, during my childhood, I looked into the sky and saw a bird flying free and wished to be soaring beside it. I dreamed about escaping a childhood filled with hate and abuse into a world of peace. The freedom of birds soaring with the clouds, the tips of their wings glinting in the strands of sunlight and the vastness of their world captured my childish imagination and has only grown over the many years. Today I shoot any bird that happens across my path with a Nikon camera and a lens that doesn't get quite close enough. My dream is to load my dog and cameras into a small travel trailer and follow the birds as they migrate South and North.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Yellowstone Adventure By Deby Dixon

1 comment:

  1. "C.P.P." - Crazy Photographer Production! :) Love it!
    Deby - you did such an impressive job producing this video, the narrative is great. You and Jersey Boy had such a wonderful time and got a plethora of amazing images.
    I hope to get down to Yellowstone in the Fall - another road trip! :)
    Brilliantly done girlfriend!
