My Dream is to Follow the Birds with my camera and pen

Watch me fly, watch me learn and watch me travel...

Following a Dream

Some day, some time, during my childhood, I looked into the sky and saw a bird flying free and wished to be soaring beside it. I dreamed about escaping a childhood filled with hate and abuse into a world of peace. The freedom of birds soaring with the clouds, the tips of their wings glinting in the strands of sunlight and the vastness of their world captured my childish imagination and has only grown over the many years. Today I shoot any bird that happens across my path with a Nikon camera and a lens that doesn't get quite close enough. My dream is to load my dog and cameras into a small travel trailer and follow the birds as they migrate South and North.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Photo Stalker at Git Lit by Deby Dixon

My schedule said that the "Get Lit" high school poetry performance was at the Kress Gallery in Riverpark Square, but when I arrived no one was there.
And so, while standing around and waiting, I decided to play with the light and forms in the dark space but when I took this practice shot, this woman came around the corner.  She hissed at me when she passed me in the hallway.

After a trip down to Aunties Bookstore, I discovered that the event was actually scheduled at the Empyrean Coffee Shop, somewhere downtown.  No, actually, they gave me the location but I drove around in a few circles before arriving here quite late.

The Empyrean is no where close to Riverpark Square so imagine my surprise when outside shooting the sidewalk activity and the mystery woman showed up.  She saw me, backed up, whipped out her camera, hid her face behind the wall, aimed and shot.  I never saw the little red light go off so am not sure if my stalker hit her mark or not, though, when I went inside she was still trying to shoot me through the window.  We all know how those shots turn out, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't.  I did not like having that camera shoved in my face.  She never said a word to me.

Back inside and looking for the love...

But the sex that these youngsters talked about in rhyme was anything but the stuff made of love.  There were a lot of issues and their poetry attempted to answer their own questions.  I found their poems interesting and graphic.

I turned from the performers to capture the reaction of the parents and the older set of spectators, many of whom were younger than myself, and noticed some grim faces.  Not sure how I would have reacted if one of the teenagers had been my child but would like to think that I would have celebrated their ability to be open and honest about the issues.

And, New York performer, Jon Sands, spoke about another type of sex and his younger years.  

It was much later than this by the time that I left, which was probably past my bed time, or would be if I were a typical older person and not a college student, but this was the only parting shot that I got.

I think that I need to get out after dark more often.

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