My Dream is to Follow the Birds with my camera and pen

Watch me fly, watch me learn and watch me travel...

Following a Dream

Some day, some time, during my childhood, I looked into the sky and saw a bird flying free and wished to be soaring beside it. I dreamed about escaping a childhood filled with hate and abuse into a world of peace. The freedom of birds soaring with the clouds, the tips of their wings glinting in the strands of sunlight and the vastness of their world captured my childish imagination and has only grown over the many years. Today I shoot any bird that happens across my path with a Nikon camera and a lens that doesn't get quite close enough. My dream is to load my dog and cameras into a small travel trailer and follow the birds as they migrate South and North.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Scott, the Waterfowl Shooter

Scott Fink and Canon

I met Scott at Higgins Point in Coeur d'Alene, ID, last winter when a large group of photographers were out there shooting the Eagles during the Kokanee spawning season. Not sure how many shooters were out there, most at every opportunity that they had, but there was a lot of talk about cameras, lenses, shutter speeds, ISO's, backgrounds, angles and the such. And, as one might expect, a lot of good natured jabs being tossed around.

I was one of the few Nikon shooters living here in Canon country and they never let me forget it.

"Nikon, Nikon..." could be heard in a chant when I arrived.

The day I met Scott, I'd parked me gear away from the crowd but after a few eagles had done some pretty little dancing near me, the guys on the other shore began packing their gear and heading my way.  Mostly, I ignored them.  For a while anyway.  Before long there was a long line of Canons behind me, at least 20' behind me, which I found to be amusing.

Finally, I broke the ice, "What, you guys intimidated by this Nikon?"

Of course, they laughed and from then on I was a part of the gang.  Many of the guys were helpful with shooting tips and Scott and his friend, Tom, were two of them.  Now, I've never seen Scott's photos because he doesn't have a website, a fact that is mildly irritating - oh wait, I did see a pic of a moose in his front yard, which he called a "big bird," - but he shoots for Ducks Unlimited.

I took some shots of Scott and Tom while we were out with the eagles on a brutally cold day.  Scott later told me that they'd decided that I was a player because I was out there in snow, rain and cold.  I'd call it a bit insane.  Anyway, I wasn't happy with the shots so when Scott showed up at Fernan Lake last week, I once again invaded his privacy and took shots of him.  He minded a little bit but probably got over it.  I told him that it was all to further my photography education.  We were at Fernan to capture the Osprey, and whatever other bird crossed our paths.

These are some shots of Scott practicing his passion of nature photography:

Scott hoping that the Buffleheads would come back

Rushing to Shoot the Birds

Shooting the birds


Bad Sun, Time to Pack it up and go Home

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Deby Dixon

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